Why do People Uninstall Apps


ApplicationMobile App

Enterprises launch apps in the hope that these will reside in the user’s phone and he will use it on a regular basis. However, due to issues in the apps it is more than likely that users will either not use it at all or they will uninstall it.

Why does this happen? Here are few possibilities why does your target audiences remove your application from their phones.

App occupies too much space

Enterprises and app developers are equally guilty in creating bloated apps that take up too much space because they wished to pack in a lot of functionalities into just one app when the better thing would have been to create separate apps. Users find it clumsy to use and uninstall the app.

User unfriendly

In a hurry to get the app to the market developers and clients may not give adequate attention to the user interface. If it is kludgy then users will not like the app and will switch loyalties.

Takes too long to load

Poorly designed apps not only impose a burden on resources of the device but they take a long time to load and a long time to carry out operations which test the patience of users as a result of which the poor app gets uninstalled.

Too many ads, privacy concerns

A mobile app may include codes that will compromise security on the device on which the app is installed. It is possible for apps to access phone books and transmit such data to the developer or the client. Some apps may be offered free but will have many in-app ads or too many push notifications which annoy users. The result is that user uninstalls the app. If at all push notifications are to be used then the notifications must offer value to users in a personalized way and be timed perfectly.


A smartphone app development company may think it is a great idea to induce users to sign up and furnish their personal data before they can proceed with use of the apps or specific features. Some users may not like it and they will then trash the app.

Poor onboarding

For an app to be used on a regular basis it must be intuitive and easy to use with logical steps and it should include quick tips on use. Onboarding issues can be avoided by including just the right amount of text, tip button at the bottom of the page, good quality images and simple navigation.

An app does not do what it promises to do

A user downloads an app based on what the app owner promises but if it does not fulfill functions then it is viewed as being useless and it is uninstalled. If an app keeps crashing all the time then the user will certainly delete it.

An app must offer value to a user if developers and their clients expect higher retention and regular usage. Pick the right Mobile App Development Firm like SmartSight.in who knows about these and you may never have to face this issue of an app being uninstalled.

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